Thursday, June 29, 2017

Supplements Blog Guide Page

If you missed out on getting to know me and what my supplement blog is about, you can head on over to my about me page by clicking on this link - About Me

There you will learn what my company is all about, what we do, and what supplements we offer for sale to the public.

If you want to learn more about more the supplements whey protein and creatine monohydrate, you can head over to these links - Whey Protein / Creatine Monohydrate

If you want to learn about my opinion on what the top 4 supplements for you and other people to take are, I have two other blog posts about that as well. Some of the supplements are ones that you can take to increase your muscle size and strength, as well as supplements that can increase your energy and fatigue levels. Here are the links. 4 Supplements and 4 More

If you want to read my analysis of one of the best fitness blogs on the web today called Nerd Fitness, I also have a blog for that. I go through their blog about important supplements and non-important supplements, and explain what I enjoy and disagree with on their blog post/website. You can click here to read my analysis. Nerd Fitness

If you want some of the best blogs that I could find about fitness, I also have a post about several good ones. The articles range from explaining what supplements you should buy to why you may not need supplements. You can click here to read it. Supplement Articles

Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein Product Recommendation

I would like to write this post about one of my favorite supplements Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein! The company that manufactures this unique supplement is Optimum Nutrition, and I highly recommend for anyone to take this supplement if they are looking to reach a higher intake of daily protein!

I have take this product for years, and it continues to be a highly affordable supplement that benefits me in multiple ways. The main reason that I supplement with this product each and every day is to get more protein in every day in an easier way. It is easier to reach my protein goals due to it being a drink, which helps me to not be as full from eating.

Not only does this product help me to reach my protein goals, but it also has helped me to gain lean quality muscle/weight, strength gains, kept my appetite under control, and even helped to put me in better moods throughout my days.

The next reason that I would like to recommend this product to anyone that is trying to receive the benefits above, is because of the great price! It is one of the cheapest quality whey proteins that is currently on the market. Another reason why this product is better than most other whey proteins is because of the amazing taste. Many people are familiar with the awful taste that whey protein can leave with you if you don't purchase the right product, and this product is definitely not one of those. It actually has had the highest reviewer rating on many times in a row!

If you wish to purchase this product, you can find it right here!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Promoting My Supplement Website

In this post I would like to talk a little bit about what my website is about, and what it can do for you! My website helps people across the world to purchase health and fitness supplements. These supplements are designed to help the consumer become the best athlete, model, or whatever version of themselves that they wish to be.

My website is focused on offering all of the most important supplements currently on the market, as well as for the best possible price. We make sure to explain in our supplement descriptions why you may need a certain supplement in your stack, and why it may be the right supplement specifically for you. We do this by explaining the science behind each supplement, and what it will do for you to help you perform at a better rate.

We have supplements for beginners, as well as supplements that are more often recommended for advanced athletes that have years of training or lifting weights under their belt.

The main differences that set my supplements website apart from other websites is cheap prices, the science and reasoning behind our supplements, and unique supplements that no other company can offer to sell.

Another thing that separates our website and company apart from others is our desire to ask all of our customers what they suggest to improve our company and supplements. By getting feedback from them, we are able to constantly update and improve our supplements to ensure that they are the best ones being offered on the supplement market.

Creatine Monohydrate Supplement Review

The supplement that I would like to review for you today is creatine monohydrate, from the company Bulk Supplements. You can get multiple sizes of it here. It is the product that I chose to review due to it being my favorite, and most effective supplement that I've taken consistently for years!

The first and most important reason I suggest using this supplement is that it works, and very well! Every time I've used it, my strength and fatigue threshold go up considerably.

The second reason that I would suggest this supplement to anyone over the age of 18 is for the extremely low price. Creatine Monohydrate is known to be one of the most cheap supplements that is still extremely effective at the same time. Also, while creatine is already very cheap, Bulk Supplements still does an amazing job of ensuring that their price is lower than all of their competition.

The only negative thing that I have to say about Creatine Monohydrate from Bulk Supplements is that you may experience some sudden weight gain from water when you first start to supplement with it. While it is not abnormal to experience this, it is not hard to lose this water weight through exercise very quickly.

While creatine monohydrate is not necessarily the best supplement ever to be made, I would say that it is probably the best cheap supplement ever to be made. Creatine should be a staple in every athlete's supplement arsenal if they want to take their fitness or game to the next level.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Supplement Blogs Link Post

After doing some reading and researching about supplements on other websites and blog posts, I decided that I would like to share some of the relevant information that I found about supplements. I will list 4 of the more important articles that I came across with useful information for you below!

1. Vitamins and Supplements
This website firstly explains the importance of getting enough vitamins and minerals through your diet before resorting to supplements. They then go on to explain what supplements might be useful if you are struggling to meet your micronutrient and health needs.

2. When The Gym Isn't Enough
This article is a great one for young people that would like to learn more about supplements that are recommended for people their age. The article goes into detail about a college student that spent around $1000 on supplements in a year to experiment with what works best for him. The article is great for anyone that needs advice on how to experiment with supplements themselves.

3. Muscles In a Bottle?
I enjoyed reading this article from Men's Health because they lay out very well how certain supplements can be a complete scam, and why others aren't. They explain how the majority of supplements are not worth your time, but the ones that are worth your time can be extremely helpful.

4. Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: nutrition and supplementation
This science-based article is written by Eric Helms and Alan Aragon, who are both exceptionally intelligent researchers in the fitness field. They lay out some excellent recommendations and give advice on what supplements are recommended for natural bodybuilders based on science-based supplement studies. If you are a bodybuilder or looking to compete in the future, I highly recommend you take a look at the article above to learn some valuable information about contest supplementation.

Nerd Fitness Blog Analysis

Today I would like to analyze another blog that discusses and gives advice about supplements, called Nerd Fitness! I chose to analyze this blog post because I feel that the author does a very excellent job of explaining what supplements he recommends to people and why he recommends them as well.

Here is the blog:

The first thing that I noticed about the tone and voice of the blog is that they speak to you in a way that is familiar with most people, just an average guy. This might have some reason to do with why the blog is called Nerd fitness as well. I liked this because this makes the blog welcoming and easier to read coming from an average joe.

The next thing I noticed was how they are explaining the science behind supplements in an advanced way, but that they are dumbing it down so that almost anyone could understand it. I could tell this was a very important reason for why their blog might be receiving so much success/traffic, because anyone can read it!

Another thing that Nerd Fitness does very well with his blog is the actual design of his blogs and web pages. He makes sure to add flashy colors, pictures, and also bolds words to make his point and arguments get across to the reader. His design was the reason behind why he kept my attention the whole time I was reading his post which I find very important in creating a blog.

I aspire to take some of these commonly recurring themes that I noticed in Nerd Fitness' blog post and use what I learned to my advantage to improve my future blog posts!

Monday, June 26, 2017

Follow-Up Post to 4 Essential Supplements

My previous blog post was over 4 supplements that I recommend almost anyone to take in order to reach their short-term and long-term fitness goals. This post will be going over 4 more supplements to make a total of 8 supplements that you can add to your arsenal. These next 4 supplements that I will be recommending to you are still just as great as the last ones I recommended, but may not be as well known.

5. Beta-alanine:
The fifth supplement on my list of supplements that I recommend to everyone is beta-alanine due to its energy benefits. Not only does beta-alanine help to increase your energy levels, but it also has been scientifically proven to increase the amount of repetitions you can perform while lifting weights.

6. BCAA's:
The next supplement on this list is BCAA's, and for good reason. BCAA's stand for branch chain amino acids, and can play a vital role in helping to repair your muscles as well as help you stay anabolic during and after a workout.

7. Glutamine:
The next and seventh supplement that I recommend is for anyone looking to help recover their muscles after an intense workout. People often do not workout due to the soreness that they feel afterwords, and this is where glutamine comes in. Glutamine can help to repair your muscles more quickly, which allows you to workout more often and not be in as much pain from muscle soreness.

8. Multivitamin
The last but not least supplement on my list is a vitamin, but can be treated as a health supplement. A quality multivitamin is extremely important for anyone looking to be healthier and stronger due to it providing the body with the essential micronutrients that it needs to be able to perform and workout efficiently/optimally.

4 Essential Supplements to Look and Feel Better

If you want to reach your dream body more quickly and more easily, then you've came to the right post. In this list post, I will be showing you 4 essential supplements that you need to add to your arsenal immediately to hit your athletic goals, as well as allow you to be the best version of yourself.
Not only have these supplements been proven to be effective, I also will explain why they are worth every penny of your hard-earned money.

1. Whey Protein:
The first supplement on this list is whey protein due to the many benefits that it can provide almost anyone of most ages. It can be used by most people and by anyone of any age due to it being a food supplement. I recommend whey firstly because it is the most bio-available protein source, meaning it is the most optimal protein you can take to help your muscles recover from breakdown.

2. Creatine Monohydrate
The second supplement that I would recommend most people to take would be creatine monohydrate due to it helping with muscle strength considerably. I would also recommend people to use it due it being such a cheap supplement that works so well.

3. Vitamin D
The next supplement that I recommend people to take is actually a vitamin, but can be treated like a supplement to take every day. That supplement is vitamin D, and I recommend it due to most people lacking enough of it. If people received enough every day, they would see their strength levels as well as their energy skyrocket.

4. Caffeine
The next supplement is caffeine due to increased energy, as well as resistance to fatigue during exercise. Taking caffeine can be extremely cheap if taken in pill form or even drank as black coffee before a workout.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Creatine Monohydrate

The second health supplement that I wanted to go over on my blog post is creatine monohydrate. Creatine monohydrate has been proven over and over again with hundreds of scientific research studies that it is one of the best supplements to take for countless benefits. The overwhelming majority of scientific literature and studies over the decades that it has been studied have also proven the safety and efficacy of taking creatine monohydrate as a supplement.

While creatine monohydrate has too many benefits to count, I will list some of the more important benefits you can expect to receive when you supplement with it.

Creatine monohydrate helps you to:

  • Train more intensely and for longer
  • Increases muscle size and strength
  • Allows you to achieve more weight lifting repetitions before fatigue
While creatine monohydrate is very similar to whey in that it increases your muscle's size and strength, they differ in many ways. For example, creatine allows for your body to produce energy more rapidly which can lead to greater hypertrophy due to the ability to lift the weight longer. Whey protein is different in that it allows for muscle hypertrophy by repairing your damaged muscles and supplying your body with the amino acid building blocks it needs to grow bigger and stronger.

Unlike whey protein, creatine monohydrate more often does not come with any fillers or things that can be very bad for your health. Just look for a supplement that is only creatine monohydrate, no fillers or proprietary blends (meaning the company chose to create their product with unlisted amounts of their products).

Despite what many people say, people can use 3-5 mg of creatine a day without the need to cycle off of it ever. If they stay consistent with their intake, they should see very noticeable improvements of muscle size and strength!

Whey Protein

The first and foremost nutrition supplement that I would recommend to almost anyone and everyone that is looking to improve muscle, athletic performance, or overall appearance, is whey protein.

The first and most important reason that I would recommend for someone to supplement with whey protein would be to more easily reach their daily goal amount of protein. Drinking whey protein shakes can make it easier for many people to get in more protein during the day due to it being less filling than solid protein food sources. It can also be much more convenient to drink a whey protein shake rather than eat a food source such as a chicken breast, due to it being much more portable.

Whey protein helps you to:
  • build lean muscle while also making it easier to burn body fat.
  • Makes you less hungry and stabilizes your appetite
  • Increases your overall muscle strength and size
Now, none of these health and strength benefits matter much if you are choosing to use a low quality whey supplement that can hurt your overall health in the long term future.

Many whey supplements can contain fillers and ingredients that are potentially harmful to your health and well-being. This is one of the major reasons that they sometimes earn a bad reputation. This is why I want you to do your research on what whey supplement is right for you, and make an informed decision when you make any supplement purchases. Your health matters more than the size of your muscles, your strength, or your good looks!

About Me

Hello! My name is Sup Savvy, and I'm here to help assist you and anyone with supplement needs and/or questions about supplements! I spend most of my time learning and researching about the science and benefits of health and performance supplements to be able to inform people about their many benefits!

While many supplements currently for sale on the market will help you reach your goals, just as many are a waste of your time and hard-earned money. That's where I come in to help you.

I'm here to inform you of what science says about certain supplements and if they're right for you. Many people currently have a negative opinion about supplements because people often spread false information or straight up lies about them. Truth be told many supplements are a waste of your time, but you will find that many are worth your time if you just put in the effort to read the science literature and studies behind them.

For example, Whey protein and Creatine Monohydrate are two of the most beneficial supplements that will help 99% of people gain strength and muscle, but often gains a bad reputation among people due to false information being spread online.

I wanted to start this blog to share my vast knowledge of what supplements will benefit you, as well as explaining some of the basic science behind why you should possibly experiment with or take certain supplements to reach your specific goals.

After reading some of my other blog posts about supplements, you can contact me at for any questions, or head on over to my website to choose for yourself if my supplements for sale are something you want purchase and try!

Glutamine Review

The last supplement that I want to do a quick review on for you guys in case you all ever want to try it is called Glutamine! Glutamine is a...