Thursday, July 13, 2017

Glutamine Review

The last supplement that I want to do a quick review on for you guys in case you all ever want to try it is called Glutamine! Glutamine is an essential amino acid that has multiple benefits for people that lift weights and want to get stronger or recover from their workouts quicker!

The main benefit from Glutamine is that it can help virtually everyone to recover almost twice as fast from hardcore workouts. I personally have had great luck myself in eliminating muscle soreness from supplementing with Glutamine every day. Just by taking a few grams of the glutamine, it's instantly helping me to become a better version of myself.

The next best benefit in my opinion is that it is another super cheap health supplement just like most of the other health supplements I have reviewed on my page! You can get plenty of Glutamine that will last you a long time for just under 20 bucks! However, while I do think Glutamine is definitely worth the money and purchase, I would still recommend other supplements first if you are low on cash. I would firstly recommend supplementing with whey and creatine monohydrate first before Glutamine if you do not have the money for Glutamine.

The third benefit that people can get from taking Glutamine is that it fights cancer and blood sugar through multiple various health mechanisms! So if you are trying to find a quality supplement for preventative health measures, don't look past Glutamine as an awesome option!

Glutamine was one of the later supplements that I tried ever since I began lifting, but boy am I glad that I did! If I had never tried out Glutamine, I may have never found something to help out with the annoying part of lifting weights, muscle soreness!

Beta-Alanine Review

The newest supplement that I would love to review for anyone reading my supplement blog posts is Beta Alanine! Beta alanine is not a supplement that many fitness goers know much about, but trust me it is one of the most underrated supplements out there! I have taken it for the past few years now, and it is one of the most cheap and useful products you can put into your stack.

The main benefit that people can get from supplementing with Beta-alanine is that it will increase your ability to work past fatigue. It has been scientifically proven to reduce your fatigue when lifting weights and running, which in return will allow you to have better workouts. By having better lifting and running sessions, you will be able to build more muscle and be a better runner just like that.

If you don't want to take it from studies and science, you can take it from my anecdotal evidence. Whenever I take beta-alanine, I personally see the benefits that all the scientific evidence has proven that you will receive.

The next best awesome thing about beta-alanine is that is a super cheap product! You can usually get a good amount of it for cheap, around 20 bucks or less depending on how much you purchase. Another positive is that it will last you a long time considering you will only be supplementing with a couple grams at a time.

The only negative I see from beta-alanine is that it will sometimes give you a tingling feeling that can be somewhat undesirable by some people. However, some people actually like that feeling and it's another benefit that gets them pumped for the gym!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Follow-up to Whey Protein Blog

In one of my first blog posts, I talked about whey protein and all of the potential benefits. In this follow up blog post I would like to explain some of the possible reasons why whey protein might not be right for you, and what you can possibly do or supplement with instead if it isn't for you.

One of the first problems that arises with whey protein is that it is a dairy product, which may be an issue for some people that are lactose-intolerant. Another issue that whey protein might have for some people is that it is a food product that is not high at all in micronutrients. If a person has a diet that is low in micronutrients, filling their diet with more foods like whey protein that don't have many nutrients could be a big issue.

Recently there has also been a lot of speculation in the scientific community about whether whey protein supplements can contain high levels of hormones and peptides that can hurt people's health. Most of these hormones and peptides would be in the supplements due to the products being derived from milk, but there have been many mixed debates about whether these hormones and peptides are actually so terrible for you at the measure they are found at in milk.

Another criticism of whey protein that is somewhat new is the use of all the artificial flavors and sweeteners in the products. Just like hormones and peptides, not enough studies have been done on artificial sweeteners and flavors to show just exactly how damaging they are to people yet. Only time will tell if all the new artificial foods and products on the market right now are actually very damaging for health. In the meantime, you can weigh the benefits and risks against each other to see if whey protein is right for you!

Also I will add a link below this if you are interested in purchasing an awesome supplement book that can teach you more about this topic!
Click Here!

Cool 10 Pack of Fitness Stickers - Here

Monday, July 3, 2017

Pro Jym Supplement Review

For this blog post, I am going to review one of my most used supplements, Pro Jym whey protein. I decided I wanted to do this review post for you guys on this product because of the rising popularity of this product. The Jym supplement line has been growing like crazy lately, and I am personally one of the supplement line's biggest fans.

The reason why this supplement and this line of supplements is growing so quickly, is due to the smart business man behind the whole operation. That man is Jim Stoppani, who is a doctor in excercise science that is committed to bringing the highest quality supplements to the market. He ensures that his supplements are some of the best by relying on the science behind nutrition and supplementation.

His scientific strategy and years of experience in the fitness industry is the secret behind his success in producing products such as his Pro Jym whey protein. What I like about this product is how it is made with the highest quality available protein around. Another favorite thing of mine about this product is how good it still tastes while still remaining super healthy for you! My favorite flavor of this whey protein is chocolate cookie crunch.

I see a very successful future for Jim's line of supplements, as long as he remains loyal and transparent to his growing customer/fan base. If you want to try out this awesome whey protein for yourself, you can pick some up here!

Also, I will add a link below if you're a reader and interested in purchasing a really cool book about your health and how to better yourself!
Click Here!

Awesome 50 Packs of Fitness Stickers - Here

C4 Pre-workout Supplement Product Recommendation

Today I would like to write this product recommendation post about one of my all time favorite energy supplements that I take on a day to day basis right before I head to the gym. That supplement is called C4 Pre-workout and it is made by the supplement company Cellucor! This product will allow you to be more motivated before you step into the gym and will make getting a workout in easier than ever!

I first started taking this product when I was age 16, and ever since it has been a staple in my supplements collection. This product allowed me to have workouts be more productive than I have ever have, and allowed me to push past my performance barriers after a long and hard day! At the time that I first started taking this supplement, I was having a hard time being motivated to even step in the gym due to having long days at school. What kind of kid wants to lift weights after 8 hours of school? Well, with this product, that is no longer a problem!

Not only will C4 pre-workout make it easier for you to get in the gym, but it is also one of the best tasting mixed drink supplements that I have ever tried! They have tons of different flavors you can try, but my top 3 flavors are cherry limeade, fruit punch, and green apple. Don't be afraid to experiment in order to find your favorite flavors! Another great benefit of C4 is that it is super cheap as well! Most of the time you can get 30 servings of C4 for just 30 dollars which rounds out to 1 dollar per serving.

If want to try out this product for yourself you can find it right here!

Awesome Fitness Stickers - Here

Glutamine Review

The last supplement that I want to do a quick review on for you guys in case you all ever want to try it is called Glutamine! Glutamine is a...